A Long List of Failed Test Automation Hypes

They were so plainly wrong. How could I predict their failures early? Easy!

Zhimin Zhan
8 min readApr 20, 2023


Since I have worked in software development and test automation for over two decades, I have seen many failed hypes in test automation, such as:

  • Record-n-Playback Test Automation Tools
    Such as HP QTP (now Micro Focus UFT) and IBM Rational Functional Tester. These so-called industry-leading test automation tools, usually quite expensive, are less and less relevant now. Microsoft even dumped its Coded UI Test to recommend Selenium (for Web) and Appium (for desktop and mobile)
  • Cross-Browser Testing using SauceLabs or BrowserStack
    Nowadays, people care little about CBT (focus on Chrome only). If you are interested, check out my article, Cross Browser Testing Clarified.
  • Headless Testing with PhantomJS
    An embarrassment for many, I correctly predicted its failure (written in my book). For more, check out Headless Browser Testing Clarified.
  • Protractor (JS)
    the testing framework based on Selenium from the super hot Angular.js team, deprecated in 2021. Check out Protractor, another



Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.