Again, I never met a single real automated tester using JavaScript (including Cypress or Playwright). With due respect, I believe there are a few real JavaScript automated testers somewhere. BTW, I do know JavaScript well, educative converted my Selenium JS book into an interactive course. I could implement and maintain ~200 automated tests in JS that run as regression testing (multiple times a day), all by myself. However, when in a team, it fell apart quickly due to the language and framework itself (see my article: Why JavaScript Is Not a Suitable Language for Real Web Test Automation?). After all, using Ruby is fun. Maintaining a large UI test suite is highly challenging, and the fun is an important factor too.
Many would say: what framework/tool is good? My first question: What’s your last night's test pass rate? Show me test execution history. So far, everyone failed. To give you a perspective, the automated UI test suite for both my apps ClinicWise (611) and WhenWise (551) have ~30000 test steps each. Getting a green build means passing ALL steps. I have been consistently doing this since 2012: always deploying to production on the same day a change is made, after getting a green lava lamp (indicator). I also maintained several other apps too, all in my spare time.
Test Automation is not about showing one or test execution, is to implement real Automated Regression UI Testing, so that the team is comfortable releasing to production every day. (Facebook releases twice a day, Selenium helped that, you will find a reference in several of my articles) Comparing tools or frameworks is meaningless without this context.
If you can share your test execution history and your project’s production release frequency on Medium, like in some of my articles, I would be appreciated it sincerely. Because my partner is pressing me to use my tool TestWise and BuildWise (both supporting JavaScript) for a few clients right now, I declined to be involved. He needs some concrete evidence to convince me.