Cypress Catches Up with Auto-Retry, but in a wrong way

Zhimin Zhan
6 min readJun 24, 2021

Today (2020–08–21), I read an article on Medium: Flaky Tests: Retrying Failed Tests with Cypress. According to the author: ‘ this was one of the top “must-have” features I’ve been waiting for’. A must-have feature, I totally agree. However, why is it only available now in v5? Did the article's author suggest that Cypress testers had been more or less faking test automation all these years?!

Despite what they claimed, not one Cypress tester I have met could answer it when I asked for a history of test executions of 3 months. The teams…



Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.