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Estimating User Story Points is a Waste of Time
Wise software teams spend time on activities that really matter: Test Automation and Continuous Testing
My article “Estimating Test Automation Story Points is a Total Waste of Time” featured in Software Testing Weekly has received positive feedback. One of the common questions from the readers is: “how about estimating user story points?” My answer: “It is a waste of time mostly. Try to avoid it as much as possible.”
The renowned experts’ view on “Story Points”
I know, many people will be surprised by my view and may even get offended. After all, many so-called “agile metrics” are based on story points, such as velocity charts and all the planning (based on estimates). As some people might think my view is radical, I need to borrow a few credits from the world’s top agile authorities, including Ron Jeffries, the creator of “Story Points”, to convince them.
- “bloody mistake” — Ron Jeffries, co-author of Agile Manifesto and the creator of “Story Points”