For real E2E (web) Test Automation, Selenium is much better automation than Playwright. I have written a number of articles on this topic, including real stories, case studies, and detailed reasons.
A so-called "Playwright test automation consultant" and "Playwright educator", listed 9 so-called Playwright advantages, which are ALL wrong.
I wrote "Correcting Wrong “Playwright’s Advantage over Selenium” series, already up to 6 articles. The link to the first in my series (Medium curators selected it for Boost):
You may be Microsoft supporter. Let me share a quote from the author of "How Microsoft Test Software" book.
“95% of the time, 95% of test engineers will write bad GUI automation just because it’s a very difficult thing to do correctly”.
So, real E2E test automation engineers are extremely rare. Many so-called 'test automation engineers" are fake. As a test engineer, I show with real results, like the one below.
Selenium Case Study: Showcase a 500+ End-to-End (via UI) Test Suite: E2E Test Automation is Surely Feasible for Large/Complex Apps
Also, a real story. My daughter, a fresh intern, crushed a so-called 'best test automation engineer' in a large telecom company, who was promoting Playwright. He could not even get a suite of 20 Playwright tests working reliably (running daily as regression testing).
An IT Graduate’s Frustration with a Fake ‘Senior Test Automation Engineer’
Having said all the above, Playwright, in JavaScript Test Automation community, which experienced so many hypes and failures (such as Protractor, TestCafe, Cypress), Playwright is better than those. But for real E2E test automation, e.g. maintaining a medium (200+) and large suite (500+) user story level E2E UI tests, it is far far behind Selenium.
Last year, I added basic support for Playwright in my testing IDE: TestWise.
My daughter and I are considering to write a book "Web Test Automation Book with Selenium WebDriver and Playwright", based on this