How do I OverCome the E2E Test Automation Challenges Posted in DHH’s Article?

My approach to overcoming slow, brittle, and false negatives in E2E Test Automation

Zhimin Zhan


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DHH, the creator of Ruby on Rails and my idol & hero, published an article titled “System tests have failed”, in which DHH expressed removing most of HEY’s 300 system tests due to “wasted far more time getting system tests to work reliably”. I wrote one article to share my thoughts on it.

Some might wonder, “Even DHH or 37signals had difficulty maintaining 300-odd system tests (automated E2E UI tests). How can you do 500+?

Before answering that, 300 is a very high achievement already. According to the AgileWay Continuous Testing Grading, it is Level 3+, better than 99.5%.

Whether you believe I can maintain 500+ E2E (UI) tests, I share my approach to overcoming the challenges that DHH mentioned in his article.

System tests remain as slow, brittle, and full of false negatives as they did a decade ago.

For the above three challenges in E2E test automation, 37signals engineers have tried hard to resolve them with some degree of success, otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to reach the 300-test suite. A logical explanation is that their approach and…



Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.