How I Taught My Daughter the Chinese Language? Part 2: The Method

A highly effective teaching approach that I developed through years of training test automation mentees.

Zhimin Zhan


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In the previous article, I shared the background of my daughter’s journey in learning Chinese, including my mistakes, the plan I developed, and evidence of her success. Now, I’d like to explain how I achieved it.

Table of Contents:
1. Starting with stories (in English)
2. Tell a story before she goes to sleep
3. Learn a few Chinese characters or Phrases after the story.
4. Don’t criticize mistakes
5. Learning with Japanese Anime and Manga (in Chinese)
6. Reading Chinese History Stories
7. Practice Chinese Calligraphy
Why It Worked?

1. Starting with stories (in English)

Children like stories, and there are many good, short, easy-to-understand yet insightful Chinese idiom stories (see Idiom Stories for Software Professionals series).



Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.