One year on Medium

Things I have learned.

Zhimin Zhan


A year ago (2021–01–27), I published my first article on Medium, “Why Gherkin (Cucumber, SpecFlow,…) Always Failed with UI Test Automation?”. This article was well-received and featured in:

This encouraged me to continue to share my thoughts and experience on Medium.

Within a year, many of my articles have been featured in the following three leading software testing newsletters (and other less-known ones).

  • Coding Jag
  • Software Testing Weekly
  • Testing Bits

in total, 90 articles in 126 references

I have so far received a lot of feedback (mostly positive) and encouragement. I am grateful to those who liked my article. Here, I would like to share what I learned from my first year of writing on Medium.

· Why do I write these articles?
People now read less
People prefer reading opinion topics over hands-on ones
Q & A



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