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Irrational and False Excuses for Web Test Automation Failures

Real reason: Incompetence. Just admit ‘lack of the skills’, change the mindset, and seek professional help if necessary.

Zhimin Zhan
9 min readMar 10, 2021

FACT: Web Test Automation attempts failed in most software projects.
(disagree? do an instant and objective assessment)

Over the years, I have heard of many excuses, such as:

  • “It worked well on my last project”
  • “Tests failed because the application changed”
  • “The test scripts are fine, only test data is no longer valid”
  • “Our testers do not have the capability”
  • “The automation framework selected by the previous test architect was bad”
  • “Automated end-2-end tests are known as fragile”

To some people, these excuses might sound reasonable. However, a real test automation engineer will conclude that those excuses are plainly wrong, very wrong. ‘Irrational’ might sound a strong word, but you may agree after reading my explanation, as these excuses are so obviously wrong and indefensible.
There is really only one reason: Incompetence.



Zhimin Zhan
Zhimin Zhan

Written by Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.

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