So-called ‘Agile Transformation Training’ is No Longer Required

Also, don’t engage “talking agile coaches”, 99+% of them are fake.

Zhimin Zhan


In the past ten years, software teams have participated in agile training sessions, often conducted under various names like Scrum, KanBan, DevOps, and SAFe®, organized by the company. I participated and witnessed a few, none of any real value, not at all.

One classic comment I heard from a test analyst after attending one-day agile training conducted by an external Agile Consultant, “We have an agile coach in our team; why do we need to attend training by another Agile Coach?” Some laughed; some were in silence.

Table of Contents:
· General “Agile Transformation Training” has been unnecessary since 10+ years ago.
Fake Agile Coaches often bring more damage than just a total waste of time and money.
How do I get training to achieve real Agile, then?

General “Agile Transformation Training” has been unnecessary since 10+ years ago.

My daughter showed me slides of a “Software Process” course at her Uni, which covers the core agile principles or common practices. I believe most universities do the…



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