The Benefits of Using WebDriver, a W3C standard, in Test Automation

The best stuff comes free (as in freedom and free beer)

Zhimin Zhan


Many automated testers at my age have tried many web test automation (end-to-end, functional) frameworks or tools at work and failed (check out the Definition of End-to-End Test Automation Success), such as

  • HP Quick Test Pro, IBM Rational Functional Tester, Microsoft Coded UI Test, TestComplete, Tosca, Ranorex
  • PhantomJS, Protractor, TestCafe, Puppeteer, Cypress and Playwright

My list is much shorter: Watir (2005–2011) and raw Selenium WebDriver (2011 — today), both with RSpec syntax framework, with a 100% success rate and 10X+ productivity (long-time readers have seen some stats and test reports).

Table of Contents:
I have been testing exactly the same way, using raw Selenium WebDriver with RSpec, since 2011
The benefits of sticking with WebDriver
1. Worry-free
2. Free (as in freedom and free beer)
3. Better, in almost every aspect
4. I applied it to Desktop Test Automation
5. My daughter is applying to Mobile Test Automation



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