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Three Big Fat Lies about Selenium WebDriver: “Not Reliable”, “Hard to Learn”, and “No Enterprise-Level Support”

Selenium is the best web automation framework, better than others in every aspect. Everyone who failed with Selenium I met was a fake automated tester.

Zhimin Zhan
13 min readJun 2, 2023

I have seen many articles/posts with lies about Selenium WebDriver, the best web automation framework. Lisa Crispin, the author of the classic Agile Testing book, observed that too, and those bad sales/marketing people made her “so angry”.

Lias Crispin (author of Agile Testing book)’s comment on bad marketing against Selenium.

In my opinion, the two motives for those evil lies:

  • deliberately for commercial reasons.
  • from fake automated testers, who do not understand test automation at all.

This article will crush these lies one by one with proof.

Lie 1: “Selenium is not reliable”
Lie 2: “Selenium lacks enterprise-level support”
Lie 3: “Selenium syntax is not as good as X, and it is hard to learn.”
Why can a ten-year-old learn Selenium so quickly?



Zhimin Zhan
Zhimin Zhan

Written by Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.

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