Web Test Automation Workbook #04: User Sign in OK Test

First Test Project; First Test Script (User Login).

Zhimin Zhan


This article is one of the “Web Test Automation Workbook” series, a set of bite-size exercises. Try to find 20 minutes to read and do the exercise on your computer.

Table of Contents:
· Goals
· Test Case #04
· Tasks
Task 1. Create a new TestWise Project
Task 2. Create Login Test
Task 3. Scripting test steps
Task 4. Copy the working test steps to the test script file
Task 5. Add an assertion
Task 5. Change the test case name and test script file
· Full Test Script
· Common Issues

In #03, we tried a couple of Selenium test steps; It is time to create a proper test script.


  • Create a test project in TestWise
  • Create a test case
  • Validate

Test Case #04

This is a very simple test case. As a matter of fact, testing user login is usually the first testing task for an app.

While I believe everyone understands the steps, I will still ask you to perform the manual testing (exact steps) first.

“Before starting scripting an automated test, always perform…



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