Writers and Readers in the world of AI-generated writing, e.g. ChatGPT

Stand out!

Zhimin Zhan


Image credit: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/imagination-woman-man-adventure-3066796/

Recently, my article “A Tale of a Deceptive End-to-End Test Automation Engineer” was rewarded “Boosted” by Medium curators.

I checked the criteria for “Boosted”, and one item got my interest: “Is it original, human-created content?”

In other words, there are people publishing AI-generated content on writing platforms such as Medium for attention and money. This surely is one reason for the subsequent change to Medium’s Partner Program, BTW, which was done poorly.

I have always been writing in a style of sharing my own experience and with direct opinions. AI Writing never crossed my mind previously.

This morning, out of curiosity, I asked ChapGPT to write a short article on one generic topic:

A top of the ChatGPT’s reply

The whole thing is about 460 words, and it seemed very logical. Then, a thought suddenly came to me, “Some cunning people could publish this kind of articles



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