Work Anytime, Work Anywhere and Work Independently

More countries offer “Digital Nomad” Visa for IT professionals who can work remotely, not tied to …

Zhimin Zhan


Update 2024–07–20: a new related article, “Why I Encourage My Daughter to Pursue Information Technology as a Career?

A few days ago, I saw this news.

Some European countries and Korea had already started., started in late 2023.

What is a Digital Nomad? “Digital nomads are people who travel freely while working remotely using technology and the internet” (Wikipedia). “A digital nomad works from any location and uses technology to perform their job while moving to new destinations.” (TechTarget).



Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.