My Top/Favourite Articles


Zhimin Zhan
8 min readApr 7, 2023


As of 2023–03–16, I have published 308 articles on Medium since January 2021 (~ two years), and 137 of them were featured in leading software testing newsletters (I am the World №1 author in software testing, according to the findings from my daughter’s automation scripts ). By the way, I am still writing, i.e., the number is increasing.

Here I listed my personal favourites, the top 38, that my daughter or even myself find useful (and re-read sometimes) as a test automation engineer.

  1. 🎖 ️A Tale of a Deceptive End-to-End Test Automation Engineer
    There is no shame in lacking the ability to perform user end-to-end test automation, but deceitfulness is certainly unacceptable. An interesting and insightful read.
    (this article has been selected for a Boost, by Medium Curators; According to the Medium 2024–04 stats, only ~0.2% articles are Boosted.)
  2. One Test Automation Scenario Interview Question that Most Candidates Failed
    A simple question reveals fake automated testers instantly. Also, the most liked (clapped) article by readers.
    A related one,
    Four Screening Questions to Filter Out Fake Test Automation Engineers in Interviews
  3. What Happened to ThoughtWorks?
    My most popular (by a big margin) article.
  4. is Dying
    A compilation of facts and common



Zhimin Zhan

Test automation & CT coach, author, speaker and award-winning software developer. Help teams succeed with Agile/DevOps by implementing real Continuous Testing.